Gallagher Premiership Final: L-Acoustics Kara Audio System For The Fan Zone At Twickenham Stadium


Live Concert
Outside & Sporting Events


Audio Solutions
Control Package
Power Distribution




Twickenham Stadium was the scene for this years Gallagher Premiership Final between Saracens and Sale rugby clubs. The 2023 Premiership Rugby is the 36th season of the top flight of English domestic rugby union competition and the fifth to be sponsored by Gallagher. With live music by Ibiza Classics and several DJs in the fan zone we were instructed to supply an audio system capable of covering the 2000 strong audience.  

Event Services

We deployed an L-Acoustics system consisting of four Kara 2-way active speakers and three SB218 subwoofers for low end aside. There were no flying options for this event so it meant us creating a ground stacked system with good height for optimal coverage across the audience. The speakers were driven with one LA Rack consisting of three LA12X power amplifiers and controlled via LA Network Manager. The onstage sound was taken care of by six L-Acoustics X15 HiQ speakers as monitor system driven by LA4X power amplifiers. Front of house control was managed with a compact DiGiCo SD11 digital console and SD rack stage side. All DJ equipment and DJ risers were supplied by The Live Box and consisted of the latest Pioneer CDJ3000 players.         


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AV Equipment Used

  • 8x L-Acoustics Kara 2-way active dual 8" speaker 
  • 6x L-Acoustics SB218 subwoofer speaker
  • 1x L-Acoustics LA Rack
  • 6x L-Acoustics X15 HiQ 2-way active 15" speaker
  • 2x L-Acoustics LA4X power amplifier
  • 1x Allen & Heath DLive CTi500 & Digital Stage Racks
  • 2x Pioneer CDJ3000 + DJM900NXS2
  • 4x Martin Audio X8 speaker
  • 1x Lab Gruppen IPD2400 power amplifier
  • 2x Sennheiser EW300 G4 wireless handheld microphones
  • 25x 1m 2 channel cable ramp
  • 1x FOH Production Gazebo

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Tel: 020 3488 1932